Never miss a unique chance

By Gv. Virasha Godakanda

At the beginning of my undergraduate life, I was a complete stranger to Gavel.  But I had a vast interest in joining clubs and societies at the university.  Throughout that inquiry, luckily, my very first attempt was Gavel.

When I participated in the first meeting of my Gavel life, I felt so embarrassed and even thought about what was going to happen.   That was when one person who held a role in that educational meeting suddenly pointed me out to speak. The feeling I’ve got at that moment I will never forget. Everyone would laugh at me if I tell what I did next. I immediately left the meeting since it was an online session.   But believe me, after some period from that incident, now I am confident enough to participate and share my thoughts even in physical sessions of Gavel meetings.  

Physical sessions of Gavel meetings are always quiet funny and supportive.  

With the time, now I am a designer too for Gavel.   It is not wrong to say that the friendly and humble souls I have found through Gavel were the foundation of the success of every gavalier. Now, Gavel is going far beyond and paving the way for gaveliers to improve their writing skills as well.  So, I’m kindly inviting you all to have the experience of Gavel before leaving university.

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