“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world” – Robert McKee | Meet the Experts 2021

By Gv. Tharushie Karunatilleke

The series of workshops conducted by the Gavel Club of University of Ruhuna to develop a competent speaker and an evaluator came to its glorious end on the 15th of August 2021 after the successful completion of the final session of the two-part workshop “Meet the Experts 2021”.

In contrast to the first session of “Meet the Experts 2021” which focused on uplifting the prepared speech skills, this session was conducted to improve the impromptu speech skills of the gaveliers of University of Ruhuna.

The virtual seminar kicked off with the sensational opening remarks by our very own Gv. Amnah Nakfer who gave a brilliant introduction to the man of the hour, who is none other than TM Mohamed Yasir, the immediate past president of the Hill Capital Toastmasters Club.

TM Mohamed Yasir launched his exceptional session by letting the audience in on his journey as a toastmaster followed by the structure and dos and don’ts when delivering an impromptu speech. In my eyes, the most noteworthy segment of his entire delivery was the emphasis on the impact of storytelling on an audience. As humans we relate more to emotion than facts, therefore the usage of personal experiences will increase the chances of your speech becoming memorable and a driving force for change.

Being the final workshop, Gv. Mevan Induruwa, one of the co-chairs of “Meet the Experts 2021” delivered the vote of thanks and the event was brought to a close by Gv. Nethma Ranaweera who encouraged the attendees to join Gavel to elevate their public speaking skills.

With over 60 participants in attendance, the content of the event was well received by our very own gaveliers and undergraduates of University of Ruhuna alike. The triumphant nature of the event is the result of the combined efforts of the organizing committee and the executive committee guided by Prof. Kanthi Yapa, our patron.

With the hope, that this series of events equipped our gaveliers with all the technicalities necessary to shine when speaking publicly, I am looking forward to seeing you all utilizing them to become the best speaker you can be and dazzle the gavel and hopefully someday the international stage too!

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