“Quest for Friendship” – The joint meeting of Gavel Clubs of UoR and UoC

By Gv. Dilushi Ratnayake

Gaveliers of Ruhuna joined forces with the Gaveliers of University of Colombo to go on a mythical and mystifying quest on the 23rd of October 2021.

Just as heroes preparing to go on a quest, the role-players gathered and armed themselves on the previous day with a prophecy in hand, foretelling a remarkable and promising evening.

“Never give in to circumstantial disappointments”. That was the Toastmaster of the Day, Gv. Ganeshiny from UoC, starting the meeting off by recalling the myth of Sisyphus. Certainly, lifting the spirits of all gaveliers to face life head-on!

The round-robin session was definitely noteworthy as everyone shared their favourite fictitious (Yes! I used the word of the day) stories. The spotlight of the day was the table-topic session. Oh, what a session it was! Every speaker possessed a unique, fascinating, and a mystifying way of interpreting the topics that left us in awe.

As usual, our evaluators did not disappoint. They gave a fantastic review which included praise and pointers. Following the end of the meeting, gaveliers from both clubs strengthened their friendships through a casual discussion. It was like heroes sharing their adventures around a campfire after a successful quest. I have to say, both parties were eager to share their own experiences. From cafeteria food to wisdom tooth extraction to different personality types, the topics of interest were endless and bizarre! The session concluded with a huge smile on every gavelier’s face proving the strength of newly built bonds.

Finally, we would like to thank everyone who lent their immense support to make this evening a success and all the gaveliers who took part which made it extra special. Gavel is the embodiment of friendship, a place where true and strong bonds are made! Cheers to the long-lasting friendship between Gavel Clubs of UoR and UoC!

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